Drawing Power : Women's Stories of Sexual Violence, Harassment, and Survival


September, 2019


Drawing Power is more than an anthology; it's a manifesto of solidarity and empowerment of those who have lived and fight with trauma. Different voices meet together- sixty illustrators tell their stories of violence and sexual harassment through comics:

' Even now, years later...it’s still buried...it feels like there is no space to openly talk about it and move beyond it.' /

/'I was trapped in a cycle of abuse and the monster grew longer.' /

/ 'I ripped out all the good times. Only my rage felt safe now. '/

'A constant state of panic & having to pretend it was all ok.'

/ ' I haven’t changed much. I still play tough. I still keep my blue- collar roots, my love of sludge metal and old trucks, my boots and my bowie knife. it...sits in my purse now. I am afraid to go anywhere without it. '

/ ' We were in a dictatorship. I couldn’t do anything, we entered an empty apartment, they took me to a room , they laid me on the floor and closed the door. I didn’t want to die or be hurt. So I didn’t defend myself, I closed my eyes and thought of something nice.

/ 'One night, I become the character I least wanted to be. In half dream, I saw a group of unknown shadows surrounding me.'

Bibliography :

Noomin, Diane (September 17th 2019), Drawing Power: Women’s Stories of Sexual Violence, Harassment, and Survival, New York, Harry N. Abrams