Research on the healing function of art


May, 2015


The therapeutic effect of art works on mental illness is reflected in many aspects, and has been explained and studied in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, literature, psychiatry and so on

As early as the 1960s, the team of American physiologist Roger W. Perry discovered that the left and right hemispheres of the human brain have asymmetries in function. The left and right hemispheres dominating different functions and thinking patterns. Based on this asymmetry, people's thinking activities will show two cognitive modes of left brain orientation and right brain orientation. Another characteristic of the brain's information processing function is that image information processing comes first, and symbol information processing comes second. Psychological research shows that all information related to emotions will be processed by the right brain and stored in the form of images, especially images related to experienced important events or scenes related to some profound emotions will be stored in the right brain.

The process of drawing is the ability to visualize, to process hidden emotions that cannot be expressed in words, directly through the right brain, without the judgment and logic of the left brain. The more patients see works similar to their own feelings, the more resonant they will be, and the healing can start from here.