May, 2016
“Conceptually, there are similarities between the ethos of urban sketching and a lot of the research we do at the Morgan Centre. We share a curiosity about the everyday world around us. We have a real fascination with things like emotions and experiences which are notoriously hard to pin down in words. We are committed to exploring the world around us in innovative and creative ways.
"And yet, our respective ways of working would look very different to an observer. Urban sketchers work quickly and intuitively, selecting which parts of their environment to include in or leave out of their sketch. Unlike most photographs, sketches often capture a period of time rather than a fraction of a second, and some sketchers – including Lynne – choose to highlight small, yet significant, details or include snatches of conversation in the drawing. Urban Sketchers aim to be truthful to the scene, “showing the world, one drawing at a time”, but through personal interpretation rather than a reproduction.” —Lynne Chapman